In addition to the 11 new lighting fixtures and LED video panels announced in the run up to the show, ADJ used the 2019 LDI tradeshow to launch four extra new products. The Encore Profile Pro range is a new series of professional LED-powered ellipsoidal fixtures designed for theatrical, broadcast and performance environments. The Focus Spot 6Z and Focus Wash 400, meanwhile, are feature-packed moving head luminaires that join the top ranks of ADJ’s Focus Series.“Joining the ADJ Focus Series as its new flagship, the Focus Spot 6Z harnesses the power of a 300W cool white LED engine and pairs it with precision-engineered optics to create an impressively sharp and bright output. While still retaining a compact design, this is ADJ’s most feature rich Focus Series moving head to date,” according to the announcement.

ADJ Focus Wash and Spot
It is equipped with motorized focus, iris and zoom (with a range of 9~28-degrees) as well as two rotating, indexable prisms (6-facet linear and 6-facet circular) and two frost filters (heavy and light). It also features two separate color wheels, loaded with both saturated colors and CTO, CTB and UV filters. It also offers two separate wheels each offering seven replaceable slots for indexed, rotating GOBOs that can be used simultaneously to create animation effects. This fixture is designed for a wide variety of applications including production and rental as well as permanent installation in nightclubs, concert venues and churches.
Bringing a dedicated wash luminaire to the Focus Series for the first time, the new Focus Wash 400 features a 400W HEX LED engine (red, green, blue, amber, cyan and lime) that generates an output of 11,000 lumens with a high CRI. Its large Fresnel lens generates a homogenized output, while its motorized zoom function allows for a variable beam angle of 12~55-degrees.

ADJ Encore Profile Pro WW
The new Encore Profile Pro WW is an LED-powered ellipsoidal designed for professional theatrical and other performance lighting applications. It utilizes a potent 250W warm white LED light source with a color temperature of 3200K and an extremely high CRI in excess of 97. The fixture has an aluminum die-cast body and offers smooth 16-bit dimming, manual focus and zoom, framing shutters and a GOBO holder. It is designed for an extremely flat, even field as well as crisp optics for GOBO projection and industry standard lenses compatibility. ADJ will offer a range of optimized lenses for the fixture: 5/10/14/19/26/36/50 static and 15-30 / 25-50 degree zoom.

ADJ Encore Profile Pro Color
The Encore Profile Pro Color offers all of the same features but with a 250W HEX (red, green, blue, amber, cyan and lime) LED light-source. Designed for an extensive palette of both rich saturated colors and subtle pastel shades with a high CRI in excess of 90. As well as full color mixing control, the fixture also offers a set of color temperature pre-sets, ranging from 2800K to 6000K.“There’s no doubt that this year’s LDI was the best one yet for our company,” enthuses ADJ USA’s National Sales Manager, Alfred Gonzales. “Our team did a fantastic job of creating a stunning stand design that showcased both our new fixtures and our current best-sellers to their full potential. From almost the moment the doors to the show opened on Friday morning, the booth was packed full of visitors interested to discover what ADJ’s latest lighting and video innovations have to offer. Every one of our new product launches proved to be hits with both existing customers and new prospects, which means our sales team are now busy writing up orders and our warehouse team are busy preparing shipments. 2019 has been a truly phenomenal year for ADJ and, with all of these exciting new products on the way, 2020 is set to be even better!”
More information on these new fixtures, as well as all of the other new products launched at LDI 2019, can be found here: www.adj.com/products/trade-shows/ldi-2019/