Every year at this time, we techies are going full-tilt. We all have far more to do that we have time for, and a myriad of details to attend to. In the midst of all that, our churches are poised to be more full than any other time during the year save Christmas. So what does that mean?
Today, our staff spent some time in prayer in our auditorium. We spread out first and prayed by ourselves that God would do an amazing work. We then came together and prayed corporately. During that prayer time, I was reminded of a few things.
First, we will put on a great show this weekend. We will make great music, with great sound. The lights and smoke will be cool. The video will be amazing. But unless God, through the Holy Spirit, shows up and does something, it will be no more than a great show. And that's the great mystery of what we do. We can do all we can, and it can be a lot. But it's up to God to change people's hearts.
The other thing I realized is that I spent far more time on my part of the equation than I do God's part. Which is pretty funny because my part, in light of eternity, is pretty inconsequential. I know myself pretty well, and I know that I will obsess over all the details of what I need to do. But even this week, God has put me in a place where I simply cannot do enough. I'm down two staff members this week on the most production intensive weekend we'll have until Christmas. I don't have the time, energy of expertise to make it all happen. Instead, God has provided in amazing ways with volunteers and contractors to help everything come together. On Monday, I spent time praying that God would bring this week together, and together it has come. Not by my strength, but by God's power.
Some time ago, someone asked the question, “If your pastor put as much time into the spiritual side of his preparation each weekend as you do, would you want to go to church?” That's haunted me ever since. So what are we doing this weekend? Putting on a great show or being part of an experience that God will use to change lives? I'm hoping praying for the later