God's timing always amazes me. When we wait on it, all the components come together, usually in a much more orderly fashion than if we had rushed ahead and done things our own way. This rings most true for Still Waters Worship Center in Liberty City, Texas.
Seven years ago, SWWC paid cash for its 200-seat worship center. They have proudly and gratefully existed debt free since that time, and diligently put money away for the next leg of the campus: a children's building. "We don't take an offering during our services, and we've never asked for special giving for our projects," says Pastor Eddie Scott, or Brother Eddie, as he prefers to be called. "The box is at the back of the auditorium, and what people choose and are able to give is between them and God."
Turning the area of finances over completely to God has worked out nicely for the 125-member church. In early 2010, SWWC was able to break ground on a two-story, 8,000 square foot children's building. The metal building was built on concrete slab and is connected to the worship center via a breezeway. The best part? Construction on the building wrapped up in January 2011, and SWWC remains debt-free.
The first floor accommodates "Team Jesus", ministry for first through sixth graders. There is a large stage area with audiovisual on the way, a separate puppet stage, baptistery area, and plenty of storage space. Children's Minister, Donna Washburn, shares that when the theming is complete, the space will be a miniature city. The first floor also serves as gathering and fellowship space and has a full kitchen.
The second floor is home to "Air Born" the junior high ministry and "STEEL" the high school ministry. Each group has its own large meeting room, which the teens have been able to decorate themselves. "We really want the kids that are here now to own the space. This is for them," says Washburn.
Air Born has a model plane on the way to be suspended from the ceiling, and STEEL members are filling in an abstract design drawn onto the walls by a church member who is an artist.
"God just really provided everything we needed, from finances, to people to ideas," says Washburn.
"It's great to have plenty of room for our kids," says Brother Eddie. "It's even greater to see the kids and staff further developing the vision for these ministries."