ETC is introducing two new theatrical fixtures. “The Source Four LED Series 3 and Desire Fresnel are the perfect pairing for any theatre looking to successfully launch themselves into the modern day with incredible brightness, impressive color mixing, and wireless DMX/RDM features,” the announcement states.
Source Four LED Series 3 is the third generation of the color mixing LED fixture. Incandescent Source Four fixtures hit the market in 1992. As technology advanced, so did the fixtures. Now boasting an eight-color mixing system that includes deep red LEDs, allowing designers to create nuanced colors. “With Series 3, you finally get your swatch book back,” says lighting designer Justin Townsend. The fixture is designed to uncover a depth and richness to fabrics, scenery, and most importantly, skin tones with the Lustr X8 array. Buyers looking for a tunable white-light can choose the option with the Daylight HDR array.
The newly designed XDLT lens tubes are designed for ultimate brightness from every location in a theatre. Created to hang these in a box boom, on a catwalk, or from the farthest back of house position, for up to 13,000 lumens of brightness. Other new features include reduced light leak and near-zero chromatic aberration.

Steve Traut
ETC is adding another redesigned classic to their portfolio with Desire Fresnel. “This Fresnel takes the best of the incandescent theatrical favorite and pairs it with the latest technology has to offer. A full eight-color array, wireless DMX/RDM, an intuitive user interface, and NFC configuration from your mobile device using ETC’s Set Light app are only a few of the features that come standard with Desire Fresnel,” according to the announcement.
The release says fresnels popular features like smooth, beautiful light, impressive barn dooring, and adjustable zoom – have been incorporated into Desire Fresnel, concluding, “ETC has reworked how the lamp and lens work together so you get more light through the entire zoom range. Source Four LED Series 3 and Desire Fresnel are the perfect pairing for any theatre. Smooth wash, ultimate brightness, and impressive color mixing for every stage. ETC is once again setting standards that are anything but standard.”
For more information about ETC, visit etcconnect.com