May 2021


Two wonderfully welcome words: post pandemic

These two words mean that the Church and the world at large are moving beyond. But these words don’t mean that everything is going back to normal in terms of design and usage.

In “Post-Pandemic Design Trends in 2021,” Timothy Hawk, FAIA and principal at WSA Studio says, “… post-COVID, we are considering the evolving expectation surrounding the entire worship experience.” In short, a new hybrid model of church design is bringing together a live streaming digital presence with a physical one.

To give attendees and visitors all-around access, “churches will need to invest in infrastructure, equipment, hardware and software, and space,” notes Sizemore Group Principal and President Lily del Berrios, AIA and LEED BD&C.

As much as last year, then, 2021 is going to be a game-changer for the modern church experience and its design.


Carol Badaracco Padgett, Editor

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