Image by Emmalee Shaumburg.
Graceway, Kansas City, MO
Building the right space at the right time is the ultimate goal of every church building project. Once a church has tracked attendance information over time, it can make an informed decision about the amount of space needed for ministry expansion. Armed with this hard data, you’re ready to consider what kind of space to build.
Let me offer three tips [to help clients understand] how much space to build:
1-Think big.
What is your vision? How much space will you need to support that vision? What ministries would you like to move into in the future? Having a clearly defined vision is imperative before adding ministry space. Without vision, there is no direction.

Image by Emmalee Shaumburg.
Abundant Life, Lee's Summit, MO
2-Think small.
Who is your end user? Let me remind you that the dollars are in the details. Churches need to ask themselves how will that space need to be equipped to be a successful ministry tool and provide a satisfying experience. One option I will suggest is incorporating multiuse space as a way of leveraging space more often and effectively.

Image by Emmalee Schaumburg.
Vineyard Church, Kansas City, MO
3-Think long-term.
As people come to your church, they’re going to put pressure on your facilities. Churches need to ask, do we have a strategy in place that maximizes our growth potential? A master plan is essential. It’s a dynamic plan that can adaptively change over time as your ministries change. It will help you foresee and phase in your growth plan.
Does your church [client] have the right kind of spaces that will steward [their] ministries forward?
Find more information on Mantel Teter and the blogs of David Evans at www.mantelteter.com.