Rock Community Church, Littleton, CO
Since 2006, Rock Community Church in Littleton, Colo., has grown by leaps and bounds, adding to its congregation through strong leadership, dedicated purpose and family values. Rock Community has thrived by reportedly assuring that each person in attendance receives an unforgettable experience every time they visit.
Leaving no detail to chance, Ben Carson, Rock Community’s technical director along with other key church decision makers choose the best available partners to help construct as close to a perfect house of worship as possible, from the physical design of the building all the way to the sound system that delivers their powerfully contemporary sermons and live music performances. So, it makes sense that Clair Brothers speakers were the unanimous sound system choice for Rock Community church.
To make a greater impact through additional land, flexible building design and dynamic performance systems the church hired Kurt Butler, engineering consultant and president of Butler Engineering & Technology Group (BETG) to help lead the way. Notes Butler, “The AVL and acoustics installation at the church was designed to be an inclusive and intimate experience for the congregation, so everything related to the systems we installed were measured against that metric.”
Combined effort
BETG and a design team of architects initially formulated a package that would shape the worship center in a specific way, mating performance systems to optimize coverage, sound pressure, sightlines, etc. Once Clair Brothers earned the work, system coordination and design optimization occurred through BETG and Clair Solutions collaboration.
“The Clair Brothers system, comprised of three arrays made up of i208 three-way active eight-inch loudspeakers coupled with CS118 subwoofers, exceeded performance specifications and offered a very competitive price point,” Butler adds. “During construction, some of the building safety systems affected acoustical dynamics in the main room. We needed to rely on the sound system to deliver the program regardless of the altered acoustic profile, which it does beautifully.”
“The Clair Brothers system, comprised of three arrays made up of i208 three-way active eight-inch loudspeakers coupled with CS118 subwoofers, exceeded performance specifications and offered a very competitive price point." Kurt Butler, Engineering Consultant and President, Butler Engineering & Technology Group, Highlands Ranch, CO
Other critical components of the install include products from QSC, Sennheiser, Digital Audio Labs and Yamaha. “The entire campus – the lobby, classroom, and dedicated worship spaces for youth and children’s ministries were all part of the installation,” Butler concludes.
Carson adds, “The Clair Brothers gear provides wonderfully even coverage and impressive clarity. When the spoken word is of utmost importance, the speaker system must deliver. The program we offer will often have up to 12 people onstage with a full range of instrumentation. The dynamic range of this system to support a wide variety of program content absolutely hits the target.”