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MixArt recently provided sound management for two events in the southern region of Russia during a visit of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.
MixArt designed and deployed two sound systems for use in the church of Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya and Novocherkassk Cathedral, based around Allen & Heath mixers, along with Audio-Technica, K-Array and QSC products.
The Patriarch Kirill performed a service in the church of Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya, and inaugurated the renovated Novocherkassk Cathedral, performing a liturgy and also opening the V World Congress of Kosaks. The services were also broadcast to the public who had gathered outside the cathedrals, and the TV channels Soyuz and South Region broadcast the liturgy live.
"The visit of Patriarch Kirill and the inauguration of Novocherassk Cathedral, which had been under restoration works for many years, are big events not only for the South region but for the whole country."
Vadim Scherbakov
Director, MixArt, Southern branch.
“The visit of Patriarch Kirill and the inauguration of Novocherassk Cathedral, which had been under restoration works for many years, are big events not only for the South region but for the whole country. The liturgy and the congress were attended by hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, members of regional and federal administration, and also by many worshippers. We had to do our very best to allow all these people to hear every beautiful and solemn detail in the services,” says Vadim Scherbakov, director of MixArt's Southern branch.
At the Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya church service there were two major zones, the interior of the cathedral and the square outside. MixArt selected a Qu-24 digital console with AR84 remote I/O rack to manage the service, which fed a Qu-16 managing the outside broadcast.
MixArt selected a GLD-80 console, accompanied by an AR2412 and two AR84 remote I/O racks, for the sound system installed in Novocherkassk Cathedral, which was designed to provide sound reinforcement during the inauguration and liturgy, including a performances by two large choirs, and also broadcast feeds for two TV channels. The system also needed to provide conference functionality and sound reinforcement during the Congress that took place in the cathedral after the liturgy.
The GLD system was connected via ACE to an iLive system consisting of an iLive-R72 rackmount surface and iDR10 MixRack providing a broadcast mix of the liturgy to the public in the Square, and managed live audio during the parade of Kosaks and an address by the Patriarch. A broadcast feed was sent via MADI from the iDR10 to the TV mobile broadcasting units.