Sound Productions hosted the AVIXA Women’s Council’s latest meeting in the Dallas area in fall 2018. AVIXA is the trade association representing the professional audiovisual and information communications industries worldwide.
“The goal of the AVIXA Women’s Council is to support and empower women working in technology and the AV industry. We’re proud that the DFW area is continuing the conversation on a local level,” says Christy Ricketts, head of the AVIXA local group and vice president of operations and marketing at Contemporary Research. “We had a great time touring SoundPro’s facility, engaging in discussion, networking, and envisioning what’s next for our group.”
“It’s beneficial to look at our industry as an entire ecosystem." Joshua Curlett, CEO, SoundPro, Irving, TX
At the event, Ricketts moderated a discussion with AVIXA members and SoundPro’s CEO Joshua Curlett addressing industry trends and changes. “It’s beneficial to look at our industry as an entire ecosystem,” explains Curlett. “As our market experiences consolidation and tech disruption, there has never been a better time to see the whole picture. Now is the time to examine who you are, how you’re unique, and what you bring to the table that no one else can.”
As the Dallas Fort Worth chapter of AVIXA Women’s Council continues to grow, the group’s local leaders plan to incorporate students of both genders with interest in AV and engineering. In aAddition, the chapter will explore educational opportunities to promote knowledge and community service to foster lasting friendships.