Dr. Frank Teat is a ‘pastor on the move’—literally, as he frequently combines his passion for playing the guitar while preaching to his audience. Teat is presently the interim pastor for a new church that is just getting started. And while his present church may be new, Teat reports he has been using his Countryman E6 Earset Microphone for over 20 years. “I’ve used my E6 in a variety of settings,” he says, “both in church facilities as well as on the road while working at youth camps, retreats, revivals for other churches, and even seminars in both student ministry and worship ministry. My services are primarily contemporary in nature, with the bulk of the audience that the E6 was used for primarily being teenagers and children, with their adult volunteers and staff.”
Presently, the worship environment changes considerably, depending upon the nature and location of the service, and this dramatically impacts the type of sound system Teat runs his E6 microphone through. “The nature of services varies from place to place,” he explains. “Often, I have access to a full-blown sound reinforcement system in a worship center seating 2,000 people while at other times, I may find myself at youth camp facilities that seat anywhere from 300-700. I have used my E6 multiple times with a Fishman Solo Performance System for smaller gigs and venues. Other times, the sound systems employ state-of-the-art digital consoles, and at other times, they are older analog models. Regardless of the sound system, my E6 enables me to effortlessly address a wide range of audiences under varying conditions.”
When asked about those features and attributes that make the Countryman E6 Earset mic so well-suited to his various applications, Teat offered the following thoughts. “There are two reasons I have always used my E6,” he explains. First, the audio quality—regardless of the system it is being used through—remains consistent and the clarity is unmatched. Secondly, but equally important, is the comfort I experience. Fitting the earpiece is quick and easy, and the microphone stays securely in place. I walk around constantly while speaking and this is also the case when I’m leading worship with a guitar. The earset’s wires never interfere with my guitar strap or the motion involved in playing the guitar. The result is that I am able to focus on the message without being distracted by the microphone.”
For any professional application, the ability to secure capable and responsive customer and technical support services are crucial, as a failure in this area can compromise a performance or delay an event or project. Here too, Teat was very complimentary of Countryman Associates. “To be honest, I’ve never had any experience with the company’s repair services up to this point, because for twenty years, there has been nothing wrong with the microphone. On the few occasions that I’ve reached out to them with questions, however, I’ve always encountered capable and prompt support—and in this day and age, that makes all the difference.”
Before turning his attention back to upcoming projects on his schedule, Teat offered these final comments, “I realize there are a ton of microphone options for people that require a wireless headset for speaking and singing. For me, there are none on the market that can compare with the value and the performance quality that a Countryman E6 delivers. My E6 Earset has served me well in all kinds of environments: inside and outside, in all types of weather conditions, and with a lot of different hands on the system for setup. Through it all, this microphone has not only met my expectations—it has exceeded them—in clarity, quality, and endurance. You can’t ask for more than that!”