SRB Consulting and Design of El Paso, Texas, recently designed and installed a Martin Audio CDD system for the Calvary Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Pastor Kyle Cummings says the church lost the roof and part of the structural support of its sanctuary during a powerful 109 mph windstorm two years ago, which also destroyed the building’s sound and lighting equipment. While the church was being rebuilt, it deployed a mobile Martin Audio system consisting of two CDD-LIVE 12 for FOH and four CDD-LIVE 8 for monitors provided by SRB that Cummings describes as “a great little system that’s really easy to use. In fact, we still have it for special events at our school or outdoors in the park.”
Once the church was rebuilt, Scott Brown of SRB designed an installed system that he describes as, “one CDD12 mounted on the left and right above the main stage for FOH and two SX212 ground-stacked near the stage along with four Blackline X10 on stage as monitors for the musicians.” Brown says, “Everything is powered with two Martin Audio MA5.0Q amps and there’s a MIDAS M32 console with two DL16 Stage racks. They also have nine Shure wireless handheld systems for the band and vocalists and one bodypack system for the pastor’s headset.”
The system is designed to ensure exceptional coverage, audio quality and clarity for both speech and musical reproduction of a contemporary worship group that includes keyboards, electric guitar and bass, drums and several vocalists.

Asked about the sanctuary space Pastor Cummings explains, “We can comfortably seat around 250 because we have two flat gallery spaces within the stadium seating that curves up from the stage and the floor to the back end of the space.
“We were looking for an audio system that could provide high quality sound and uniform coverage in a space that is challenging in terms of reverb, echo and acoustics in general. With the new system, we now have increased clarity and everyone can hear a whole lot more which we wanted without having to go really loud.

“The Martin Audio speakers give us a real solid feel and perfect coverage throughout the sanctuary without pushing the system. And that goes for everything from worship services to movie night. It has a great crisp sound and wonderful overall feel. In fact, my mom who’s very hard of hearing no longer complains about not being able to hear me anymore!”
Concluding, Brown sums up, “This room is a small bowl shape and a difficult space for any other point source speaker. It's amazing the coverage and throw the CDD series have. Everywhere we install them, people fall in love with these speakers and every seat in that worship center sounds exactly the same.”

For more about Martin Audio, please visit www.martin-audio.com.