Tascam announces its On-Air-Podcast Series. The new program is geared toward the wide range of applications that encompass audio, with the goal of introducing users to new opportunities. Tascam intends to introduce new programs at the start and middle of each month.
The On-Air-Podcast Series will be hosted by Tascam Product Specialist Sean Daily. As part of his responsibilities at Tascam, Sean routinely interfaces with the product support team, which encounters users from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. The support team’s conversations with a large assortment of Tascam users are what prompted the introduction of the new podcast series. The On-Air-Podcast Series will explore podcasting, sound design, independent filmmaking, vlogging, recording, and more with a host of legendary Tascam artists, producers, and other major players who will discuss their techniques and philosophies.
“In many cases, musicians, audio engineers, and others involved with audio tend to work in one or two areas with which they are most comfortable. What they may not be familiar with, is some of the other opportunities that exist for audio production. The goal of the On-Air-Podcast Series will be to show and explain the wealth of opportunities for audio production that exist and to have experts in each discipline share tips, tricks, and perspective,” according to the announcement.
Sean Daily, Tascam Product Specialist and host of the new On-Air-Podcast Series, shares his thoughts regarding the upcoming program, “As streaming media becomes more and more commonplace among consumers, the need for content becomes greater and greater. As an equipment manufacturer, Tascam finds itself developing a wide range of audio production tools for what, at times, seems like an ever-expanding range of audio applications. It is this very situation that prompted us to initiate the On-Air-Podcast Series. By doing so, we introduce our customers to new opportunities that can not only further their careers, but in the process, can translate to more sales for us. In short, everyone wins.”
The Tascam On-Air-Podcast Series can be accessed by visiting the following URL: https://tascam.com/us/special/tascam_onair.
In addition to accessing the Tascam podcasts via one’s favorite podcast provider, they are also available on Spotify and Apple at the following URLs:
Apple Podcasts: