Flat panel display use in the house of worship market is still grow rapidly according to TFCinfo's recent research report entitled, “The Use of Video Displays in American Churches 2016.” Of the AV-focused churches that TFCinfo surveyed (churches that have made a strategic and financial commitment to integrate audio visual equipment in their worship service), 73% say they own at least one flat panel display that is 32” or larger.
For over twelve years TFCinfo has immersed themselves into the church market to assist manufacturers, dealers and integrators in better understanding this vast market segment, which is very unique and still often misunderstood. TFCinfo, in conjunction with Church Production Magazine and Church Designer Magazine, recently surveyed 781 people responsible for the AV equipment at their place of worship for this extensive end-user research study that explores the use of video displays in American churches.
“Flat panel display use is not only increasing dramatically at the large church level, churches of all sizes are embracing flat panel displays,” says Tanya Lippke, TFCinfo Director of Survey Market research. “This research shows that the percentage of small churches using flat panel displays has doubled. In 2010 25% of the churches with 0-300 seats were using a flat panel display; today more than half have incorporated flat panel displays into their facilities.”
With sizes increasing and prices decreasing, these bright displays are a very appealing and affordable option for churches. This is especially true as churches are increasingly turning to display technologies to improve communications with attendees and churches are adopting more ways in which they can use video to connect. Churches are using video displays in classrooms, in secondary meeting spaces, smaller auditoriums, as well as foyers and lobbies that are now becoming more of a gathering area for many where digital signage is becoming important.
This research confirms that video in churches is clearly not just for the main auditorium or sanctuary anymore. Churches, regardless of size, are buying more projectors and displays than ever before and they are being used for a wider number of purposes as churches become more technically sophisticated.
Not only is it interesting to see video display usage continue to grow in this market, it is also interesting to see some big business brands fair extremely well in areas of purchase consideration. Panasonic, Epson, Sony, Hitachi, Eiki, Canon, and Christie are the projector brands being most considered for purchase in the church market overall. BenQ, NEC, and Viewsonic also make the list, particularly among the smaller churches. For flat screen displays Samsung, LG, Sony, Vizio, Panasonic, and Sharp are the top brands that are being considered for purchase.
This report analyzes video displays separately (projectors, stand alone flat screen displays, and flat panels used as components of LED video walls) and also in comparison to each other. “It is extremely interesting to see the contrast between projectors and flat panels when it comes to churches. In some aspects it is as if one display is compensating for the perceived pitfalls of the other. Regardless, churches are finding locations and uses for each of the display types” says Lippke. “This may change and our research includes areas of questioning that deals with future replacement for each technology. Will projectors be considered to replace large 60”+ flat panel displays in the future? Are the flat panel displays being purchased today in addition to displays the churches already own, or are they being purchased to replace a projector or previous flat panel? Through this tracking research it's been fascinating to see firsthand the changes that have and are taking place in this market.”
In this report TFCinfo not only analyzes the church market as a whole, but goes beyond to break the sample into various demographic groups. Research results are provided in total, by church size (seats), and geographic location (Northeast, South, West, and Midwest). This allows companies to compare and contrast the preferences and purchasing of churches of varying sizes and in varying locations across the US.
The 300 page report describes the following areas in detail:
-- Market Trends in American Churches
-- Projector Use, Purchasing, and Preferences
-- Flat Panel Display Use, Purchasing, and Preferences
-- LED Video Wall Use and Purchasing
-- Networked Displays, Future Purchases, and AV Budgets
-- How to Sell and to Whom
For a complete brochure and outline of this study, or for more information on purchasing, please contact Tanya Lippke, Director of Survey Market Research, at (207) 783-0055 or tmlippke@tfcinfo.net or visit www.tfcinfo.net.