If you're thirsty for interviews, facts, ideas, opinions, and shared experiences from leading church experts and fellow church leaders on some of the best, most innovative ways to build and renovate, site-select, fund, floor, A/V/L-equip and strategically brand your ministry in the 21st century, the Mar/Apr issue of WFM is for you.
Our team stretched especially hard in this issue to find and report information you can use to better equip your ministry to reach its community and spread the Word of God with all the latest tools and time-tested expertise. The information stretches over here to online, too, with a number of stories and fresh reports on www.worshipfacilities.com.
I encourage you to let me know how your own experiences leading your church are bringing results, and what methods are helping you the most. How are you praying and seeing your vision take flight in unexpected ways? How are you making your facility more green and saving money in the process? How are you saving money on maintenance by taking some of the expert advice you read in WFM or elsewhere? How is God leading your ministry to evolve in your community and potentially beyond? And what's most rewarding or surprising as the plan unfolds?
Email me at cpadgett@worshipfacilities.com and be sure to include your name, your church's name, and an email address where you can be reached. I may choose your message for a future issue's Reader Feedback section, and your experience may help another pastor in ways you wouldn't imagine.
The Mar/Apr issue is devoted to every growing ministry and leadership team that's looking for ideas and, hopefully, some answers as well. Let me know what you find.