This week marks the transition from 2011 to 2012 and for us tech folks, that means the end of the Christmas season, the beginning of new budgets and teaching series to support, and often new ministry visions to pursue. Here are a few suggestions for starting the new year.
Review Your Purpose and Vision
The beginning of the new year is a great opportunity to think through how technology ministry supports the larger vision and purpose of your church. Starting with the mission statement of your church, evaluate every element of tech ministry in light of that statement.
Ask Senior Leadership for Feedback from 2011
It is always a good idea to open yourself and your ministry up to the perspectives of those who are leading you. In addition to the insights you will likely gain as to how you can better support the purpose of the church, this will also build trust with senior leaders as they see you desiring to be teachable and valuing their perspective.
Identify and Pursue New Tech Servants
The new year is a time of transition for many folks. As such, you may have some holes to fill on your teams. Even if that is not the case, it is likely that you can find some people who are looking to serve in new ways, are new to the church, or have gifts or experiences in technology.
Encourage and Thank Those who have Served in 2011
What better time could there be to shower your people with encouragement, appreciation, and affirmation? A Christmas card, email, phone call, or conversation to this effect can lead to substantial connection as well as helping those who serve with you understand their value in the life of the church.
Seek Out or Cultivate Relationships with Others Like Yourself
If you do not already have connections with some folks from other churches who serve in a similar capacity, the first of the year is a great opportunity to seek some out. If you do, it's a good time for reconnected and reflecting together too. Don't underestimate the value of having like-minded brothers and sisters who influence your thinking and with whom you can easily identify.
What are some other ways church tech servants can prepare for the new year ahead?