Worship Facilities Magazine exists to serve our readers and the important work they do to bring the Word of God to all who seek him.
We love it when we hear from our readers about WFM stories that address a topic of particular interest, or when we get suggestions on topics you'd like to hear more about.
One reader I hear from and correspond with often is architectural designer Kenn Sanders of Scottsdale, Ariz., owner of Kenn Sanders Illustrated Planning, a ministry and a business that Kenn has nurtured during his 76+ years -- many of them devoted to creating worship spaces that help people more closely connect with God and with one another in worship.
This blog is devoted to connections like those with Kenn, the ones that help bring us all a little closer to God's plan for us. A plan that oftentimes seems to elude us until we look back at the seemingly small moments and find that His fingerprints were right there. And speaking of fingerprints, wait 'til you see the handiwork of Kenn's 5-year-old granddaughter, Olivia Helton, in WFM's May/June issue on the editor's page. Olivia's mother, Dana Helton, Kenn's daughter, graciously gave WFM permission to share both Olivia's artwork and her beautiful face.
Dana also shared this with me the day she told Olivia that WFM was interested in sharing her artwork with our readers: "She was very excited to hear of your interest in her painting. It was a funny thing, the day she created it. I had set her up with a stack of paper and an assortment of paints. When I returned to the room a few minutes later, she had completed 15-20 paintings, all spread out across the floor. What I love the most is that she did this with no direction from anyone. It is pure Olivia."
In the May/June issue of Worship Facilities Magazine, we hope that you find inspiration and answers for your most pressing facility- and operations-related questions. For example, outsourcing is big now in churches, just as it is in the business environment. Churches, much like companies, are finding economic savings and increased efficiency by going outside their regular paid staff for various services, such as maintenance and sometimes even accounting and payroll. But what happens to the employees who once filled these roles? Find our special report by writer Ed Van Herik on page 26 of the May/June issue.
On page 43 of that issue, writer/reporter Martin Sinderman discusses the unique insurance needs of church facilities. And on page 30, in a report by Bailey Webb, we look at building automation and what aspects of it are both applicable and affordable for even the smallest churches.
From Olivia's awe-inspiring painting to the features mentioned above and others still waiting in the pages of WFM May/June 2011, may you find inspiration for your church's mission moving forward.