Several years back, I was asked to come to a local high school and troubleshoot the auditorium sound system during a school production rehearsal. The drama teacher introduced me to a freshman student, Daniel Perez, who was running the sound console. After exchanging some information regarding the sound system, I could tell Daniel was mature beyond his years. He knew what he was doing and was not just a student filling a role. I saw Daniel had a deep passion for the technical arts. I proceeded to tell him about the technical internship program our church has with a local community college. Before I left that day, I invited Daniel to visit Westover to see if he would be interested in participating.
We have been blessed at Westover with a fantastic facility and the technology to support the various ministries of the church. Our AV department (Westover Audio Visual, or WAV) is also involved outside our walls with local schools, non-profit agencies and other churches in the community. Not only do we have a serving environment, but a learning environment as well.
About a week later Daniel came in, saw the learning opportunities, and wanted to become a part of our team. He has absolutely flourished in the technical environment by seeking to learn and grow his skill set. Over time, he has assumed lead roles in video and IMAG direction, as well as lighting, scenic and installation projects. Our tech staff has seen him grow not only in years, but also in maturity and a desire for technical excellence in the church. Daniel is actually a member of another church here in Greensboro, N.C. He volunteers on our tech team, then serves in a lead capacity at his own church that holds services at a different time.
It's been eight years since we met Daniel. He is a senior at University of North Carolina-Greensboro majoring in theatre and will graduate with a degree in technical direction. As I was talking with Daniel in preparation for this article, he mentioned that prior to coming to Westover, he had planned to major in computer science—but that changed. By having the chance to pursue his passion from his early high school years, he is now planning a career in the technical arts.
Daniel's is a great story to tell, but his is not the only one. There have been other students on our WAV team that are now pursuing careers in film production in California and sound production in Nashville. While the equipment and environment does provide opportunities—the important thing to remember is that you really don't have to have the latest and greatest of anything. The most important thing to offer is you—invest time in someone. Equipment and technology will fade away, but relationships last an eternity.