Being a pastor’s kid has its challenges, but for Dave Clark it led to a lifetime of service. Currently serving as media pastor and director at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas Clark grew up with a passion for church tech that he says must be preceded by a passion for Christ. For over a decade, he has served at Fellowship under the leadership of Pastor Ed Young, where he’s had a hand in the executive decision making, creative planning, and staff development. Here’s what Clark says about his job and leadership style.
Fellowship Church is widely known for the creativity of their weekend worship experiences. "Procrastination is the enemy," Clark says. We try to always set ourselves up making sure we’ve done the things we know how to do, so we can have an open hand for last-minute creative requests." Learn more about Fellowship Church here.
CP: What drives your interest in technology?
Clark: I grew up as a pastor’s kid and was always involved in helping with production and technology in our church. Our family got our first computer when I was about 12 years old, and I was totally hooked on discovering everything it could do … tearing it apart and putting it back together. I’ve always just had a knack for technical things and loved getting to use my gifts to point people towards Jesus.
CP: Why Fellowship Church?
Clark: Growing up in the church, I really always wanted to be part of something non-traditional that would break the mold of people’s expectations of what they think “church” is. I loved and admired the creativity and authenticity of Pastor Ed Young and Fellowship Church. Eleven years ago, the opportunity came along to join the staff and I was all in! I love the creative environment of constantly asking “what if” questions and doing whatever we can to win people for Jesus.
CP: Describe your leadership style.
Clark: What we do is critical because peoples’ lives and eternities are literally hanging in the balance. People need Jesus and that’s what we have to offer. We take it seriously. We hit issues head on, deal with them quickly, fix mistakes and don’t repeat them, be direct, prepared and focused. Don’t waste peoples’ time. What we do is serious, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Work hard and play hard. We love to laugh and goof around as well. Creativity will flow out of joy and laughter. We do that a lot as a staff.
CP: Any advice for young techs just starting to volunteer?
Clark: Revolve your life around the local church. Be involved in multiple aspects. It’s so much more than just pushing buttons and tweaking dials. That’s important, but the real payoff comes as you watch peoples’ lives being transformed through Jesus. Celebrate people giving their lives to Christ. Celebrate people getting baptized. Invite people to your church to experience what you’re a part of. Once you have some real skin in the game and you’re all in, then you will experience the true joy of helping to produce weekends that help change lives.