Does your senior pastor make your job easier or harder? Todd Elliott, who penned our Back Talk column on page 96 introduces the notion that ideas and challenges from senior leaders, or anyone else with creative input on our worship services, are not something we control --- and that is a fact that we should get used to. What we do know is that input and ideas will continue, and should continue to come from others. What we can control is our response to that input. With that mindset we now have an opportunity to work on creative solutions. In addition to our technical knowledge, developing the ability to work out healthy, creative solutions can be among the most rewarding and effective skills of any good technical director.
But back to my original question: Does your senior pastor make your job easier or harder? Are there things you wish your pastor understood about your job, your staff, or your equipment that he or she doesn't know? What are some of the things you wish your pastor knew, the steps or processes you wish your pastor took that would make it easier for you, in your role, to help achieve the church's vision? If you have an opportunity to speak openly, honestly (dare I say anonymously?) to your church's senior leadership about your working environment, your working relationships, the quality of your interaction, the sentiment and culture in which you work, what would you say? Are there things that need to improve, or is your situation one that you'd like to share so that other churches can grow and learn from a creative solution you've discovered?
I invite you to take five minutes and share your thoughts at Don't worry, it's an anonymous survey the results which will be shared in such a way that we aim to build up, motivate and assist in creating more effective relationships and effective results between technical personnel and pastors. Look for excerpts in an upcoming issue of Church Production Magazine, and in an audio/video/lighting supplement in our sister publication, Worship Facilities Magazine.
Best Regards, -- Brian BlackmorePublisher and Editor-in-Chief
Church Production MagazineWorship Facilities Magazine
bblackmore@pmipub.com919-325-0120 x206919-325-0121 fax
Production Media Inc.2610 Wycliff RoadSuite 405Raleigh, NC 27607
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