Tired. Under-appreciated. Over-worked. Fed up. Looking for answers.
It's time to recharge your batteries. The Tech Directors Retreat at WFX Atlanta (Nov. 2, 11:30 a.m. until 6 p.m.) can deliver what you need to refuel your creative passion, sharpen your focus on the End Result, and meet a network of other TDs from across the country who understand your work and mission first-hand.
One contact you'll make is Dennis Choy, pastor of communications, technology and production at North Coast Church in Vista, Calif., and leader of the Tech Directors Retreat. Another is panelist Bill Swaringim, technical arts director at Windsor Crossing Community Church in Chesterfield, Mo. CPM caught up with Choy and Swaringim to ask a few questions.
CPM: What are some highlights that TDs can expect at the retreat this year in Atlanta?
Choy: We actually ask them what topics they want to cover for the day, and we work them in the schedule so that everyone walks away with their questions addressed. [We talk about] everything from how a specific technology works to how to get along with your senior pastor.
The best thing about it, in my opinion, is that you're not just hearing from one person-your questions are addressed from a panel of experts that are currently TDs at their own churches. This sort of peer-to-peer learning is invaluable, as you're getting ‘real life' experience from churches of all sizes and shapes.
CPM: Why are you personally invested in helping other TDs?
Choy: I love helping churches. We are all in the bigger Kingdom of God, but so often we run so fast we don't have time to share or look around and see what others are doing. This started as a way to gather and connect tech people with others doing the same thing they do. In the tech field, sometimes the only way to learn something is to make mistakes and learn how to fix them, sharing our ‘dumb taxes' (how my senior pastor puts it) with others is incredibly helpful and a timesaver.
Swaringim: I am passionate about the heart of the technical artist and want to make sure that heart is cared for. We launched the Church Technical Directors RoundTable (www.CTDRT.com) and www.CTANonline.com because of that. When you are able to connect with another person that ‘gets' the uniqueness of your calling and lives in similar environments and can share, learn, pray and develop that relationship, you are creating a powerful force. When you do that with people across denominations and of different backgrounds, you are creating unity in the Body of Christ-an even more powerful force.
CPM: If there was one reason you'd tell other TDs not to miss this retreat, what would it be?
Swaringim: The TD Retreat will be a time when we get to put down our smart phones, turn off the email and forget Twitter for a while-and have an opportunity to share with each other. [Attendees will] learn from TDs who serve at some amazing churches around the country, be challenged, engage in relationships and be re-energized to get back home and take the technical ministry at their church to a whole new level.
Choy: One of the best things that happens at this retreat is that you connect with other TDs that understand you and have gone through the same things you do that you can lean on for advice, prayer and support. Guys from all over the country that become life-long friends for support-it really is amazing to see the connections.
To register for WFX 2010 in Atlanta or to learn more about the Technical Directors Retreat, visit www.wfxweb.com.