In church production, it’s easy to “hide” in a dark room on a Sunday morning. But the question we must ask ourselves is, “Did I make a difference in the lives of my fellow tech team members today?”
It’s Saturday night and I start going through my mental Sunday checklist. Have I done what I'm required to do? Is everything ready? Before I know it, my alarm clock goes off and I do Sunday—show up and make sure things go the way they are supposed to and then leave.
One of the most important lessons I have learned is to always be prepared--and that means be prepared to be flexible. Last-minute changes are part of production.
For many years that's how I did my volunteer position. But over time God has changed my mindset. The truth is we are here to make a difference. As leaders, we have people's lives in our care. What I was missing was a love for the people, not just a love for production. It's so easy to hide on a Sunday morning in a dark room—for you and your team members. Remember, we all have responsibilities, but make sure your team knows you care for them. Let’s keep our focus on the spiritual impact we are making on other people’s lives.
"... do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." - Phllippians 2:4
All for the One
I've never been on a sports team but I've seen the movies; the part where the head coach gives a profound speech to the whole team and they end up winning the game. Those team members got the coach’s vision. The team became one. We need to make sure our production team knows our vision and functions as a cohesive team. Communicate often with them. Don’t just inform them of the weekly production details but communicate on a personal level as well. Plan fun events together as a team. Some people on your team may have never seen other team members outside of their assigned roles at church. Give them opportunities to create relationships with one other.On the technical side, I am always prepared but have learned to be flexible. As a woman, I like to plan. When, where, how, WHY? Ask questions and keep people (mostly men) organized. In my position at Destiny, I am the one making the media schedule, organizing slides, images, and videos in ProPresenter, making sure everything is sync’d and in order, and making sure everyone is on the same page. I’ve got it covered and ready for Sunday … UNTIL. Last-minute changes! Agh, are you kidding me!? One of the most important lessons I have learned is to always be prepared—and that means be prepared to be flexible. Last-minute changes are part of production. "Flexibility is the key to airpower." - Gen. Giulio Douhet. Flexibility enables us to overcome challenges so we can complete the vision. I serve under a former Air Force officer, and he has said this to me over and over and over. I’m still working on this.
Answer the Call
It's not an uncommon fact that media and tech is mainly a male-dominated world. However, I believe that is changing. If you are a female and you’re interested in media, pursue it. If God has placed something on your heart and it's a passion and you have God-given skills, pursue it. Together we can produce anything. We need to influence the world around us. Don’t just do Sunday. Do what God has called you to do to make your world a better place.