Are you a great tech director? Most pastors do not know what to look for when searching for someone to fill their technical leadership needs. It's not like there is a seminary course called “selecting a great technical staff.” As a result you may have been given the job without a whole lot of thought give to it. Often times the person that gets the role is the smartest and most dependable person that happens to have some time on their hands, however they may not have the skills necessary to lead a ministry or department. So, you end up with a job or position that you aren't entirely sure you are qualified to perform.
You are a Spiritual Leader
Just because you serve in the technical areas of the church does not mean you aren't a spiritual leader. As a tech director we must remember that we are a follower of Jesus Christ first and foremost. That should define who we are more than the skills that we have acquired.
As you lead your team it is important that you keep an eye on their spiritual development and not only be concerned about their technical skills. You may have a volunteer that has years of experience running sound, but has only been a believer for a few months. Don't hold them to a lower spiritual standard because they are running sound. It should be your main goal to help that individual to grow into a fully devoted follower of Christ.
You should always begin each service with a time of group prayer. This will help to get everyone focuses on why you are doing what you do. It might also be a good idea to create or find a daily Bible reading plan that everyone on your team is encouraged to read. As you learn more about those that work with you try to discover ways to challenge them in their relationship with God.
Leaders Lead
Leaders don't have to be the smartest person in order to lead effectively. There is a story about a newspaper that was challenging Henry Ford and claiming that he was ignorant and uneducated. As they presented him with question after question Henry finally said to them, “If I should really want to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer any question I desire concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts. Now, will you kindly tell me, Why I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”
Henry Ford was clearly not the most educated person around, but he was probably the smartest and he was certainly a great leader. You don't need to know more then the people that work with you in order to lead them. You just need to help them know the right direction to go and lead them there.
Stay Sharp
Since you are here reading this article, I automatically know that you are interested in improving your game and keeping your skills sharp. As a tech director, the need to stay current is pretty important. If you are still projecting lyrics with a carousel slide projector you might want to catch up a little bit.
Not only should you stay sharp on the technical sides of things, but you should also stay sharp on the leadership and spiritual sides of things as well. Ask yourself these questions:
Am I spending time daily in prayer?
Do I give generously?
Do I spend time in God's Word daily?
Am I reading books to keep growing as a leader and as a person?
Am I challenging myself to learn new things?
Even if you were hired by people that don't fully understand what it takes to be a great tech director, you can still grow into the best one you can be. Never stop learning and growing. And always be willing to challenge those around you to grow as well.