We all want the Christmas season to see bring new attendees, lives changed, and people added to our congregations, but the question of how to get new people in the building is a moving target that has shifted a lot over the last five years. Larger churches used digital marketing regularly, but smaller churches often don’t. So, it’s harder for smaller churches to learn what works and what doesn’t. What was effective in the past seems to produce diminishing results. When someone receives four church invitations for a Christmas service, it makes the advertisement that much less effective for each additional church. Many church marketing and planting organizations now discourage churches to use mailer ads in metro areas because of the saturation of the market. The other challenge to invite cards, posters, door hangers, or anything else in this genre of advertising is that there is no control of who the advertisement is reaching. The demographic of the church might be partially reached, but there is no guarantee.
The lack of control in traditional marketing can seem discouraging. This is why digital marketing using Facebook, Instagram or YouTube ads make such a difference. This article is here to help give a “how to” guide for making an effective Facebook ad and how to run the ad. Before anyone gets worried about what goes into making an ad, take a deep breath. It’s a lot easier than most think.
Social media ads most typically need a spokesperson…. Believe it or not, your pastor might not be the best one to deliver this message.
Five things you'll need to make a social media ad:
1. B-Roll
What is b-roll? Simply put, it's video footage of your church. Go ahead and capture footage of worship (some of which can be filmed during a rehearsal), people being greeted at the front door, kids’ ministry areas and anything else that makes your church experience unique. When creating the video ad, switch between a person speaking and b-roll to show what the person is talking about.
2. A Video Host
Ads like this most typically need a spokesperson—someone that engages the viewer, gives information and makes the “ask” or invite. Believe it or not, your pastor might not be the best one to deliver this message. One painful truth that was discovered during COVID is that there are pastors who are brilliant in the room and abysmal on a camera in a studio setting. It doesn’t mean that they are somehow lacking as pastors or leaders because they aren’t good on camera. It does mean that perhaps God has placed someone in the church body that could host the ad at a higher quality. Look for someone charismatic, in the demographic (age, sex, ethnicity) that the church is currently reaching, and someone who is comfortable talking to a camera. This is perhaps one of the most important decisions for the ad.
3. A Good Mic
You may need to purchase a mic for video shooting. There are lots of good shotgun or lavalier (clip-on) mics out there for $100 or less, and the only other accessory needed might be a cable to plug the mic into your camera. Avoid a mic that needs to be held, it feels less natural.
Social media ads can even be shot on a smartphone.
4. A Camera
I know this might seem obvious, but it needs to be said. It’s important to note that the camera doesn’t have to be fancy. These ads can even be shot on a smartphone. Don’t worry if the church doesn’t have a $5,000 camera to shoot the ad. As long as the shot is clear and framed well, it can work.
5. A Light
If the church doesn’t have a fancy camera, a $50 light can make all the difference in the world. This is especially true if the camera is also a phone. Make the video host look good on the camera shot and it will help a lot.
…Social media ads perform better if they are shot vertically.
Four FAQs people tend to have about Facebook Ads:
1. Should I Shoot The Video Horizontally Or Vertically?
Currently, ads perform better if they are shot vertically. This can be done easily with a camera on a tripod. Most tripod connections can rotate 90 degrees for portrait style photos. So that same feature can make any camera shoot an ad vertically instead of horizontally. This decision needs to be made before B Roll is shot. If this seems like gibberish to you, see the picture below to better illustrate what we are talking about.

2. How long should the Ad be?
Ads for Facebook or Instagram should be no longer than 60 seconds. Try your best to shoot the ad in one take. It will feel more natural.
3. How Much Should Be Spent On The Ad?
The truth is, you can spend $50 or several thousand dollars. The two rules of thumb are that 1) the more money spent the longer the ad can run for reaching a wider audience and 2) the smaller the town the more impact made for less money. When an ad is setup on Facebook, the duration of the ad is selected as well as where the ad should be seen. If a church is spending $500 in a large metro area, the ad could run well for 3-5 days within a 20 mile radius of the church. In a smaller town that $500 could run for a week or more with the same radius and do substantially better. For context, the church I pastor in a town of 6,000 people. Typically a $250 ad will run for 7 days. This has worked well for us.
4. How do I Setup a Facebook/Instagram Ad?
If the church’s Instagram/Facebook Ads are connected (they probably are) then set the ad up on Facebook by uploading the ad as a post or reel (your choice), then select the “boost” button. After selecting the boost button, the menu will give a few options. Select a mile radius and a demographic of the person you want to reach. The narrower the demographic the better the ad will perform for the church.
Christmas is one of the greatest opportunities to invite people to church. While there is no substitute for the congregation inviting people they know, digital marketing still has the potential to make a substantial impact. As the ad is put together, think about the person the church wants to reach, pray for them and believe God will use this tool to expand his kingdom.