I remember the first time I felt burned out in ministry. I was mixing every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night as a volunteer. At first I was so glad to get so much experience, but after a while it turned into a job. Then it turned into what felt like slave labor. So I did what was inevitable, I took a “break.” After serving for two years I stopped, put my mixing hat down and chilled. It was great, because I was able to experience God like I hadn't felt since I started serving. I did this for about six months and then I got the serving itch and started again. Thus the cycle that was just described happened again, and again, and again and again.
How does this happen? So many men and women are passionate about serving their church. But when they jump in it burns them out over time. Does serving really have to burn us out? I don't believe so. I eventually figured out why I was burning out consistently. When I was serving a lot it took up much of my time. The odd thing is that my time serving God took the place of most of my personal time with God. When I served I didn't expand my time dedicated to God I just shifted it.
The truth is that ministry is time-consuming and downright tiring at times. If we are not careful we will replace the time that energizes us --- our personal time with God --- with time that burns us out of fuel. So here are a few tips to making sure you are spending time with God regularly.
You are doing a good thing when you serve God.
1. Pick a time and place.
For many people, spending time with God can be something that is more organic than scheduled. In other words, many do it just when they feel like it. This may work in the beginning, but as we get more and more busy we need to make sure that we have a specific time we meet with God. It can be in the morning or at night. It doesn't matter when. It doesn't even have to be seven days a week. It just needs to be consistent. Pick a time that works for you.
Secondly, pick a place. “Where” can be as important as “when.” If you have children (or you are like me and have a loud dog) it might be a good idea to find a place where you can be secluded for thirty minutes or so. Find a place where there are absolutely no distractions.
2. Pray for your ministry and leaders.
Okay, almost all tech people get frustrated to have to deal with pastors who have no clue what they are talking about (technically speaking), but think they do. This may sound silly, but I have found the best way to work with them is to pray for them. Pray blessing on their life. Pray that God gives them new and fresh vision for the ministry. You won't get frustrated as easily when you are investing in someone through prayer.
3. Keep a balance.
The last thing I recommend is keep a balance of time with God and time you serve. If serving increases then increase the time you spend with God. If you can't increase both then don't increase serving. Jesus tells those who are weary to come to him and he will give you rest. I think that we need to realize that the more service we give, the more time with Him we need in order to be ready for what we feel He has called us to do. God will never call you to serve more than you spend time with him. A pastor might, but God does not.
Don't allow yourself to get burned out. Spend time with your heavenly father, then, what seems like work will once again become fulfilling and a feel like a gift to God. You are doing a good thing when you serve God. However, it is important for you to remember God's first desire for you is to be intimate with him.