“Give me a break!” you think as the musicians stop practice to chat - extending the time you are required to be away from your family; seemingly unaware that you are even in the room. Don't worry, we irritate them too - yes I am speaking of the sometimes-tenuous relationship between church musicians and church technical folks. Almost always, the principle issue in such disunity is related to a lack of shared and understood purpose, a lack of cultivated love for one another, a complete lack of communication, or a combination of the three. In applying the scriptures into our lives as individuals we are to exhibit love, patience, and kindness (Galatians 5:22), exemplify the humility of Christ (Philippians 2), and live a life of service to one another as well as those outside the church (Mark 10:35-45). As the church, these ideas are to be lived out and perfected - serving as the backdrop to our interactions with each other. Conflict should not divide us - instead we should strive to be unified as God commands and desires us to be.
When church members do not share the same purpose, conflict is bound to arise. Our purpose as the church in general is to make disciples (Matthew 28), but every church must have a clear idea of how they are doing this. Every element of the church (including technology and music ministry) should visably support this clear church-wide mission. This assures that a) what we are doing is biblical and worthwhile and b) we are all united in doing it together even though we will have different roles to play. A shared sense of purpose heads off conflict before its starts because it keeps us mindful that we are on the same team while motivating us to support and appreciate the role others play.
Few would say that we are not to love one another in the church. However, how are we cultivating this love? Do we practice intentional affirmation? Do we engage one another outside of our formal service roles (such as taking a meal to a team member who has a need or just sharing a meal together)? It is little wonder that we struggle to love one another when we don't try to cultivate that love.
I once did a consultation with a church in which an argument arose between the music and tech people right there in the middle of our conversation. It seems both sides had been harboring bitterness towards each other for months without anyone ever saying a word about it. Not only is this ridiculous, it is completely un-biblical (read Matthew 18). When issues arise, and they will from time to time - we are all sinners after all - they need to be dealt with quickly. Otherwise, they will fest and grow, becoming a cancer that eats away at unity.
Even though musicians and tech folks serve the church in ways that can sometimes put them at odds with each other, there is no reason that this must be so. By having a shared purpose, cultivating love for one another, and managing conflict biblically, unity can prevail!
What are some experiences you have of reconciliation and unity between tech music folks? Be sure your comments are loving, helpful, and God- honoring.