For tech directors, lighting guys, sound guys, and even those preppy-looking video guys, the idea of thanks can be very far from our brains during the Holiday Season. November and December seem like the longest months of the year. From working on getting the microphones loud enough to pick up those kids in the choir who are not really singing, to adding that special effect for the Christmas hoopla with half the budget needed to do it right, to pulling a few all nighters by ourselves to make sure the Holiday services are ready, it can seem like there is not much to be thankful for. Everyone else's schedule seems to lighten up this time of year yet ours intensifies. So why be thankful? Here are a few reasons why we should be thankful even in the busiest season of our life.
Face it, there are worse places you could be working.
First off, we get to do what we love. While there are seasons that are overwhelming, we are getting to do what we are passionate about. If you are a tech director, you got the position because of your passion for production. While there might be times when the church does ask a bit too much of you, you get to wake up everyday and do something that is fun and satisfying. So we should be thankful for this even if it is not our full time job.
Secondly, we should be thankful that we are able to work at a church. Whether you are paid or not there is something that is special about serving the local church. We are not only able to do what we love, but hopefully you work in a place that you love as well. Sure, you would love it a little more if you had a Meyer Sound system and a Whole Hog lighting controller, but you still love it. You are able to serve a place that has had an impact on your life and probably your family's life. There is nothing that can replace that. Face it, there are worse places you could be working.
When we focus on the life-change that happens in part because of our work, then we can gather the perspective to get through it with a thankful heart.
Thirdly, we can all be thankful for the fact that we have a team. Most of us have people that serve beside us in ministry. While they may not be as technically minded as we are, they are faithful and willing to learn. So celebrate the fact that we have people who help us make the weekend services happen every week.
Lastly, we can all be thankful that we are at a church that cares enough to have people in the position we hold. For many churches across America there are no sound, lighting, video or techs at all. Tech simply is not a priority. While there are “issues” at every church, most of us can be grateful our church cares enough to have these technical positions.
Hopefully, this gives you some prospective on the Holiday Season. Some times Thanksgiving through Christmas can be tough, --- really tough --- but when we focus on the life-change that happens in part because of our work, then we can gather the perspective to get through it with a thankful heart.