Unsplash.com; Ben White
Consider taking just 5-10 minutes each day to quiet all of the noise and just listen.
Serving other people in tech ministry is one of the most rewarding things that you can possibly do. Not only do you get to use your skills and talents to do something you love, but you also get to play a part in impacting people's lives for eternity. There is no higher use of your technical talents than using them in the context of the local church.
Because of the excitement and intensity of ministry, it is very easy to be so focused on serving God that we forget to seek God. In fact, we can get to a point where the process of seeking God seems to be a waste of time and takes away from our “serving.”
Take a cue …
When Jesus walked this earth he had a regular habit of sneaking away to a mountain to pray. People would be constantly looking for him, but he was spending time alone with his Father.
One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. Luke 6:12
This always seemed strange to me on a couple of different levels. First of all, if Jesus was God why did he need to pray? And secondly, wasn't there still sick and hurting people in valley below that needed his healing touch? What was he doing up in the mountains? Didn't he have more important things that he should be doing?
These questions seem silly when you actually see them on a page, but this is how many of us live our personal lives:
“I'm serving God with my whole life and I'm far too busy to stop and pray.”
“If I go and spend time with God I will be neglecting my other duties. Since God is everywhere why don't we just spend time together while I work?”
Productive unproductivity?
I know that we all want to be productive, but what if productivity is not the No. 1 goal that God has for you? Maybe instead of us being so busy, like Martha, he wants us to stop and sit at his feet for a while, like Mary did.
Our lives are filled with so much noise and clutter that many of us could not hear God trying to speak to us if we wanted to.
Our lives are filled with so much noise and clutter that many of us could not hear God trying to speak to us if we wanted to. We go from one noisy environment to another, and never stopping to listen to that “still small voice.” How can we hear the Lord's whisper if we never stop and actually turn down the volume of life and listen?
When most people pray to God they simply run through a laundry list of requests and then sign off with a quick “in Jesus name, amen.” What if instead of spending your time talking to God, you spent some time listening to God?
The quickest way to hear from God is to spend some consistent time listening for his voice. Consider taking even 5-10 minutes each day this week to quiet all of the noise and just listen. You might be surprised with what you hear.