unsplash.com; Alex Iby
It's almost Halloween ... a time when kids of all ages get creative and put together costumes that would be totally out of place any other time of the year. However, kids generally only wear those masks for one night each year, but we adults tend to wear our masks all year long.
Why do people wear masks? Is it simply to hide their true identity? A mask will make you look like something that you are not. Maybe it will make you look stronger, smarter, or more attractive than you really are.
Don't try to be someone else, strive to be the best version of yourself that God wants you to be.
In ancient times a Greek actor would walk onto a stage with a bag full of masks. When they would put the mask on they would also assume the characteristics of the person that they were pretending to be. There was a name for these actors ... hypokrits, which is where we got the English word “hypocrite.” The word means: an actor under an assumed character; a stage player; impersonator.
Shedding the Mask ...
As a tech director, have you ever worn a mask? We usually try to wear these when we are looking for the approval of people rather than God.
Galatians 1:10: Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant.
It is always important to remember that God sees through our masks. He can see through the things that we use to try to hide our weaknesses and insecurities.
So what are some of the masks that tech directors tend to wear?
Mask 1-The Know-It-All
This is where we feel like we have to have an educated opinion on every topic under the sun. Politics? Yup. Weather? Of course. Science? Absolutely! In fact, we revel in not only being able to talk coherently on obscure topics but we like our opinions to sound smarter than any one else in the discussion.
The reality is that no one can know everything, but we still try to put up a facade that makes us look like we are smarter than we actually are.
The reality is that no one can know everything, but we still try to put up a facade that makes us look like we are smarter than we actually are. We don't like it when we are not the smartest person at the table. When we are in groups of people, we will try to talk about obscure topics to impress people with our knowledge and wisdom.
Mask 2-The Lone Ranger
This is the mask we wear to make people think that we are strong enough to do things on our own. We wear it because we think that we don't need anyone else.
The truth is that we often wear this to hide our own loneliness and insecurities. We end up just carrying our burdens alone and never think that anyone cares about us.
Mask 3-The Clown
We wear the happy-face mask when we want to hide the real hurt that we are feeling inside. We look happy on the outside but on the inside we are struggling with a lack of self-worth and depression. This mask often reveals itself in using humor and sarcasm as a way to hide our true feelings.
The Truth of It
God has made you to do more than hide behind a mask. He has made you unique and special. You are His masterpiece. We may wear a mask because we think no one will love us the way that we truly are, but God sees through the mask and still loves you.
So, what are you hiding behind? It's time to take off the mask. It's time to embrace who God has created you to be. Don't try to be someone else, strive to be the best version of yourself that God wants you to be.